About Us

Oct 14 2009

The Society of Interpreters for the Deaf in Selangor and the Federal Territory, more often known by its acronym S.I.D., is a registered non-profit and non-governmental voluntary organization founded in 1990. S.I.D. takes on the mission to serve as interpreters on the educational, judicial and other various fronts to enable the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community an opportunity of equal rights and access to information and communication. S.I.D. also provides a platform for interpreters to share and exchange ideas on issues relating to interpreting.

Over the years S.I.D. has explored into other areas of services and development for the Deaf community. One of the areas that S.I.D. recognizes is the importance of providing education for the advancement of Deaf/Hard of Hearing children and youths.
In response to the growing needs of these children and youths in and around the Klang Valley, as well as those from other states, S.I.D. set up the Community Service Center for the Deaf — CSCD in December 1995.

CSCD is challenged in addressing the needs of these children and youths as an individual; unique and special, and in contributing to the development of the child as s/he evolves to become a total person and a contributing member of the society.

CSCD is more than a place where the Deaf strive to achieve equal, if not better grades, than their hearing counterparts. It is a centre where students are nurtured in their educational philosophy to broaden their horizons. The hearing society is encouraged to train the young Deaf /Hard of Hearing in attractive and technically oriented occupations and offer them career prospects. To pave the way to a successful career for these young individuals, the center also endeavors to train them so that they can adapt in the occupational world. This philosophy is built on the belief that good education, career advice and guidance on the choice of occupation will help prepare them to meet the challenges of the workplace when they leave the center.

The center has 50 students, with a team of ten facilitators, assistant facilitators, office assistants and general helpers. These students range from five years old to 20 years old.

S.I.D/CSCD is gearing towards providing an Integrated Program for the children and youths, to motivate and guide them on a journey of self-discovery and total development. This includes:

  • Interpreting services
  • Training of interpreters and dissemination of information on interpreting-related issues
  • Sign Language
  • Academic program
  • Adult literacy/Education program
  • Vocational skills training
  • Counseling
  • Job training
  • Motivation and leadership development
  • Sports and recreation
  • Social education to cultivate and social and cultural values and fostering fellowship in the community.
  • Youth Club
  • Public awareness

Life skills training to provide the initiative for greater self-reliance and to lead fulfilling lives
Other related support services that are crucial at the different stages of their life.

Annually S.I.D. requires approximately RM156,000 for its operational costs. The bulk of its funds are raised through pub- lic donations and government funding to carry out its activities. As S.I.D. relies largely on public funding, the public is given the opportunity to play a part in charity work as we believe their involvement is important. You could also assist us by providing some resources. We must recognize that our world is ever changing and has been enriched with new technological advancements and challenges. Thus, there are new skills to master, new information to learn, and new perspectives to be gained. And in S.I.D. it is the support from the public that makes things happen!!!